A balloon lantern floating up at night

The fifth anniversary of my advisory firm and the holiday season have prompted me to reflect on my Life’s journey so far and, in so doing, unexpectedly arrive at an unconventional perspective on gifting.

Stage with red curtains and sets of a town

August steep market decline serves as a useful dress rehearsal for how we might react in a bear market and what we should do now to increase survival.

A young woman reading a book while sitting on a ledge near the window.

We often look to books for answers to Life’s persistent questions. However, these three books reveal that contradictions can reflect a higher truth than mere beliefs in this or that.

A red and white striped windsock blowing in the wind while planted in the middle of a green field

Given 2023 stock market’s reversal of 2022 decline, I want to share my thoughts on markets and money by highlighting potential risks and returns to help you chart your financial course forward.

A pair of female hands holding an unopened gift box

With year end, I want to share with you some of my personal and professional experiences and observations and the insights they’ve given me regarding gratitude and wealth.

For many workers, making the most of your 401k is one of the best things you can do to increase your investment returns exponentially.

A single dandelion against a black background

Countering conventional wisdom, my professional experience has taught me that successful financial planning is based on magic and then on math; on you and then on me.

Five professional women ranging in age from 20s to 50s and in ethnicity from African American to Caucasian sitting at a long meeting table.

If you want to build up retirement assets for tomorrow, you need to protect your most valuable asset today – your human capital.

A woman sitting on a living room couch reading a book.

My summer reading recommendations: a book for fun; a book for thought; a book for finance.

A lighted incense stick against a black background

Like many children of immigrants, I’ve had to learn to navigate two different cultures. Doing so has taught me that I honor my parents by first honoring myself.

An African-American woman working on a laptop in an outdoor cafe.

Although financial independence (FI) is a growing movement, there are still many misperceptions around it. So, it’s important to separate assumption versus reality.

A pair of women's legs in rain boots with a pink and purple umbrella next to them.

SVB’s collapse holds 3 lessons for us (investors): 1) Don’t mix money buckets 2) Hold a healthy rainy day fund 3) Manage risk via diversification

Two women having coffee in a cafe

Although the financial service industry is vast and fraught with conflicts-of-interest, there are steps you can take to find the right financial advisor for you.

Block letters spelling chance and change

2022 volatile markets reflected a paradigm shift from a low interest/low inflation world to a higher interest/higher inflation world. Investment outperformers declined while laggards rallied; borrowers were penalized and lenders benefited. How to position yourself for 2023?

Candlelight being protected by a pair of hands

With year-end and the recent third-year anniversary of Women’s Wealth, I want to reflect on my own money journey; what I’ve learned about other women and myself; what determines success; what success looks like to me.

Panoramic view of downtown Seattle in Fall

Big life transitions are often scary, because they represent uncertainty and the unknown. While going through transitions, it’s important to focus on our own responsibilities, and let Nature take care of the rest.

A young Asian woman lost in thought during a group meeting

When setting financial priorities, putting yourself first may feel counter-intuitive and selfish. However, you can’t truly help others by jeopardizing your own health and financial well-being.

A twenty-something woman running in the park

Success investing is counter-intuitive as the key tenets are simple to remember, but hard to do.

A small dog sleeping on a living couch

In my search for home, I made a number of discoveries: to find home one must first leave home; home is a concept as much as place; home is within as much as without; home is cultivation as much as destination.

A biggie bank with an interest rate sign next to it

Make the most of cash in a rising rate environment by adopting this simple banking strategy.

The torso of a woman sitting and reading a book while her cat rests on her stomach.

My summer reading recommendations highlight the life and journey of three very different women and what it takes to be a hero in one’s own story versus the villain in someone else’s story.

A mid-age, professional woman sitting in an office and contemplating about her life.

Transitioning into retirement is not about becoming less of who you are, but rather more of who you were always meant to be.

Mother and young daughter meditating on a couch

Only when you can take care of yourself first can you cultivate the space, capacity and intention needed to take care of others. (It doesn’t work the other way around.)

Two young, professional women reviewing something together on a large computer monitor.

How you spend your money today determines how you spend your time tomorrow. Choose wisely!

A young Asian woman working in front of her work computer in an open space office

When evaluating how much to hold in your company stocks, it’s important to prioritize the downside before the upside.

A neat and tiding modern living room

When organizing your finances, the value of simplicity is greater visibility, efficiency, and peace of mind.

A single candlelight lit against a pitch black background.

Effective estate planning requires initiating an uncomfortable conversation(s) with aging parents about death and money. However, doing so will help parent and child navigate more successfully through an imminent transition.

A tired looking woman slowly jogging up a mountainous terrain

Three key characteristics of women who progress financially fastest are: they take responsibility; they’re willing to look at the reality of their (financial) situation; they’re willing to do the work.

A middle-age mother carrying her two kids - one in the front and one in the back.

Given the ongoing debate between lump sum investing versus dollar cost averaging, it’s important to realize that the determining factor for investment success is you, the investor.

A young female worker looking at her work calendar.

Like so many women, only through trial and error am I learning to cultivate work/life balance. Doing so has required me to reorient my priorities from work/life to life/work. And, that has made all the difference.

A photo of three generations of Indian American women: grandmother, mother and grand-daughter.

With sustainable investing, investors seek to do well by doing good. A closer examination, however, reveals a developing niche that should be approached with as much caution as enthusiasm.

A smiling, middle-age woman holding a sparkler

If your goal is financial independence, here are the key numbers you need to know before you walk: net worth, annual living expenses, passive income.

A woman reading a book on her lap while her little dog looks up at her.

Here are three books I’d recommend for Summer reading whether you’re looking to be entertained, inspired or simply challenged about your perception on life and living.

A young-ish Asian-American woman working by herself at an office table

For successful solo entrepreneurs, a solo 401k is a powerful retirement account that allows you to catch up on savings and achieve financial independence sooner versus later.

A middle age, female small business owner, mapping out the company schedule.

For stable and successful small business owners, adopting a retirement plan is a great way to strengthen the business, attract and retain employees and diversify personal wealth.

A pair of female hands drawing a picture of a piggy bank with the words "Save Money" next to it.

For W-2 workers, a simple and effective retirement savings strategy is to max out your tax-deductible 401k first and then your tax-free individual Roth IRA.

A pair of female hands planting vegetables in the dirt.

Building wealth requires that you spend less so that you have money left over to invest. Otherwise, you will likely work for the rest of your life.

A middle-age woman reading from her tablet while standing in her home office.

Based on my experience being a woman and working with women to improve their finances, I notice that many seem to hold a handful of assumptions that undermine their efforts to build wealth.

A lighted candle burning in the dark.

Within the stillness, silence and space, I’m able to become more present, more aware and, thus, more intentional about my thoughts, words and actions. Only then am I truly alive and living.

A young woman with hands folded together in front of her face in a sign of gratitude.

When life is hard, it may be difficult to find things for which to be grateful. But doing so becomes even more critical.

A female worker working from home.

With open enrollment coming up, make the most of employer benefits to create your life plan: healthcare, disability, retirement.

White silhouette of an umbrella against black background

When life happens, an emergency fund provides you the critical time and space needed to respond versus react.

A woman doing a child pose on a pink yoga mat

Rest balances out work and, thus, leads to greater productivity and flow in our life…and work.

A middle-age, professional woman having a romantic lunch with her male partner.

For well-to-do women considering (re)marriage, a prenup may be a savvy and wise move.

A middle-age, mixed race woman sitting in front of her laptop and looking pensively out the window at nothing particular.

To be a successful long-term investor, it’s critical to focus on limiting your downside to help ensure that you’ll be around for the upside.

A cup of coffee with a blank notebook and pen next to it.

Here’s a list of key financial products and services that I use to manage my own finances with the goal towards simplicity and low-maintenance.

An older woman sitting on an examination table consulting with her female doctor.

History offers some simple, but critical, lessons on pandemics and market cycles and how to protect ourselves in the short-term so that we can thrive in the long-term.

A black swan floating peacefully on a pond.

For those who are fiscally responsible and patient, the current bear market represents great short-term risk and potentially greater long-term reward.

A middle-age, Indian-American woman doing working in her living room.

By consciously living small, self-made women millionaires are able to create big lives lived with confidence and peace of mind.

One female hiker is trying to help another female hiker up a hill.

Speaking to students at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Oprah’s career advice runs counter to conventional wisdom. Focus on being before doing. Step up rather than lean in.

A young mother and daughter joining hands to create a heart shape.

Self-love is not rooted in sentiment but rather in decisions and actions that allow us to cultivate a life that is the most honest expression of ourselves.

A female boss talking to her team during a meeting.

Three of the biggest money mistakes women make are: 1) delay saving for retirement 2) not investing enough for retirement 3) invest too conservatively.

A woman sitting on a yoga mat in lotus position meditating.

Life-lasting change is not based on resolution but rather on the resolve to find the right goal and then taking the critical steps to achieve it.

Female hands holding a small, plastic. red heart.

Gauge your financial health and get the clarity you need to take steps towards greater well-being and peace of mind.

A hand holding a burning candle with a the background illuminated by soft candle lights.

Here are some ways we can give in this moment, this week, this month, this year or this lifetime.

A woman planting seeds to the vegetable bed. This is a visual metaphor for investing.

Rather than rely on market forecasters, realize that you alone hold the key to your financial freedom through consistent saving and investing in broad-based, low-cost index funds.

Woman holding a wooden crate full of vegetables (e.g., carrot, potato, eggplant, cauliflower, radish, tomato) just picked from a community garden.

A mentality of enough allows us to pursue meaningful work and community, which are foundational to health and well-being.

A middle-age Asian woman daydreaming as she looks out a her office building's windows.

Given the marked shift from pensions to 401k retirement plans, workers long to know how much is enough for a secure retirement.

Financial literacy is an important life skill that women can acquire to help ensure and safeguard their financial well-being.

A sail boat on gliding by on calm ocean waters on a sunny day.

Financial planning helps you harness money’s energy so that you can row less and sail more to get to your destinations.

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