A young-ish Asian-American woman working by herself at an office table

For successful solo entrepreneurs, a solo 401k is a powerful retirement account that allows you to catch up on savings and achieve financial independence sooner versus later.

A middle age, female small business owner, mapping out the company schedule.

For stable and successful small business owners, adopting a retirement plan is a great way to strengthen the business, attract and retain employees and diversify personal wealth.

A pair of female hands drawing a picture of a piggy bank with the words "Save Money" next to it.

For W-2 workers, a simple and effective retirement savings strategy is to max out your tax-deductible 401k first and then your tax-free individual Roth IRA.

A middle-age Asian woman daydreaming as she looks out a her office building's windows.

Given the marked shift from pensions to 401k retirement plans, workers long to know how much is enough for a secure retirement.