Successful Financial Planning: Part magic, part math
Countering conventional wisdom, my professional experience has taught me that successful financial planning is based on magic and then on math; on you and then on me.
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
(Mary Oliver)
Whenever I first meet prospective clients, I often get the sense that these are the initial thoughts running through their heads:
· Oh! You do (or do not) look like your photo on your website. Concerning the latter, yes, I know. My hair is getting grayer due to a combination of genetics, aging and my ongoing effort to embrace “what is” (translation: inertia).
· Can you help me get to where I want/need to go?
Concerning the first point, I’ll try to publish a more updated photo of myself in the near future so as to sidestep any potential criticism regarding “false advertising.” Concerning the second point, based on my financial planning experience thus far, I’ve discovered that clients’ success often begins with their inner work that then extends to our outer (financial) work.
Getting lost…
Let me elaborate further on the second point by stating the obvious: For me (or any advisor) to help clients get to their destination (goal), first, they need to know where they want to go and, more importantly, why. On the surface, this looks easy. But, for most of us, this journey is often fraught from the beginning. Reason being, there are powerful forces that seek to sway our decision each step of the way, foremost being what the world wants us to be; what our family and friends think we ought to be.
Such siren songs seduce us into believing they know best. By unconsciously heeding their advice, little by little, we abandon our own knowing. Little by little, we lose ourselves in the world of form. Fortunately, Life is compassionate and provides ongoing (detour) signs to redirect us towards our true path. But, since many such signs come in the form of increased suffering, we often dismiss them as bad luck and/or setbacks to be overcome. Those who press on and ultimately achieve their worldly goals usually experience a fleeting sense of achievement follow by questioning (“Was that it?”) follow by emptiness follow by continued longing for what they know not. They just know this isn’t it.
Magic: The way back to Self
Based on my personal and professional experience, the journey towards successful financial planning (or any major Life endeavor) usually begins by finding the courage to stop and to acknowledge that we’re lost. Within such space and stillness, we can begin to reconnect with our inner knowing. And, there are a number of ways we can achieve greater connection with and clarity about ourselves: by working with a therapist, mentor or life coach; by journaling, meditation or yoga (“meditation via movement”); by communing with Nature through walks, hikes, etc. (Or, if you’re like me, most of the above.) Within these different venues, we (re)learn to speak our truth and to hear our truth. Not just with our head, but also with our heart. And, it’s our heart that carries the map to our Life’s destination.
Math: The way back to Home
Based on my observation, such inner knowing greatly expedites clients’ financial journey and helps ensure its success by inviting more grace and guidance. Some of the tell-tale signs that clients are on the path towards their real Life are serendipity and synchronicity. Here are some financial examples that I’ve heard from clients over the years:
· My parents, uncles, aunts, friends, etc, recently passed and left me this (massive) windfall. (Oftentimes, it’s the exact amount a client needs to get to the next place she needs to be.)
· I was approved for loan forgiveness on my 6-figures student loan.
· My employer agreed to my working part-time with good pay and full benefits, so I can finish my education and transition into a more fulfilling career.
· I found affordable housing with an accommodating roommate so can I focus on getting the necessary professional certification to (fill in the blank).
· I discovered that my previous or current work experience qualifies me for a (higher) pension.
I’ve noticed that such “luck” opens critical doors to these individuals’ journey. It allows them to reimagine the trajectory of their Life from doing to Being from career to calling. And, the more openness and clarity that they have concerning the Life awaiting them, the more clarity I have on how best to help them get there. It’s not uncommon that as I listen to clients relate their recent good fortune I can simultaneously hear the Universe or higher force or whatever you want to call that which is beyond words whispering into my ear that I should suggest that they do this…and this…and this…and this. As is, I sometimes wonder if I’m a financial planner or a money medium…or both.
Final thoughts…
I realize that what I’ve shared is atypical and hard to believe, much less accept, given the seemingly concrete context and confines of personal finance with all its rules, regulations and ROIs. When I first started hearing clients relate their good financial fortune, my inclination was to mentally explain it away as happenstance…coincidence…luck. But, the longer I do financial planning work, the greater the frequency and consistency with which I hear such occurrence. Now, I’ve come to see them not just signifiers, but also affirmations, that clients are being guided towards their higher Life. And, my job is to help them align their finances so they can get to their next destination.
My intention for sharing my experience and observation is to let those considering engaging a financial planner know that the most important work you can do is self-work. The more clarity you have on your Life, the more effortless your path will be. That’s not to say that you will not have to do a lot of work. (You will.) Rather, it will be meaningful work. And, once you reach your Life’s destination, rather than finding disappointment, dissatisfaction and/or despair, you will discover joy, meaning and fulfillment. So, the real work starts with you. It’s your magic that triggers the math.
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Do you find yourself constantly stressed or bored at work and wondering when you can live life on your own terms? Learn how to harness money’s energy and begin to create your life rather than manage it.
Anh Thu Tran
Women’s Wealth LLC
P.O. Box 1522
Tacoma, WA 98401
(206) 499-1330
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