Live life on
your own terms.

Helping women gain clarity,
control, and confidence in their
financial lives.

Take the first step.

I help women gain greater clarity, control and confidence in their finances so they can live life on their own terms.

I am you. My journey into personal finance started unexpectedly more than 25 years ago when my mother developed cancer and was eventually left disabled. I hired a financial advisor to help my parents with their finances. He sold them expensive back-load funds (5.75%) that further enriched him while hampering their returns. After a year and a half, I caught on and made the tough decision to fire him and oversee our family’s finances myself.

As an investor and financial planner, I’ve noticed that while women have made tremendous strides educationally and professionally, this has not always translated into greater financial security. Why?

While there are still a number of social, professional, personal

and psychological biases that hold us back, we are far from helpless.  Never have we been better positioned to save ourselves.

We have many of the resources we need to further secure our financial well-being. And, money is just one of them. As with any resource, money has its own energy. I can teach you to harness it more efficiently. In so doing, you can transform money from being the wind in your face to the wind on your back. This will help you go quicker, farther, and with less effort.

Our society often equates money with wealth. While there is overlap, in my mind, they are different. Money is the means to live life on your own terms. 

Wealth, however, is the recognition that a life well-lived means taking care not just ourselves, but also our families and our communities.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

(Financial Independence)

“How do I make the most of my financial lead to pursue meaningful work; flexibility; travel; hobbies; etc?”

“How do I prioritize my finances so I can achieve my goals while fulfilling my responsibilities?”

“How do I set myself up for a successful retirement?  It’s my turn!”


Smooth, oval rock in the middle of concentric circles made of sand

Although 2024 double-digit stock market return suggests a strong US economy, the recent change in government leadership and policies highlights the underlying risk (uncertainty) that now weighs down the market and tests American exceptionalism.

A balloon lantern floating up at night

The fifth anniversary of my advisory firm and the holiday season have prompted me to reflect on my Life’s journey so far and, in so doing, unexpectedly arrive at an unconventional perspective on gifting.

Stage with red curtains and sets of a town

August steep market decline serves as a useful dress rehearsal for how we might react in a bear market and what we should do now to increase survival.

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